Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Seeing the Impact of CO Global Conference...

What impact did this conference have in the lives of individual staff and teams? Here are a few glimpses of what some staff have been saying...

"It was one of the most humbling, edifying, and vision building experiences of my time on staff..."

"We are all so refueled and I feel like God reignited my heart for the Gospel going forth..."

"I'm excited and empowered to go back to the campus and give my life away..."

2013 Global Staff Conference Recap from Campus Outreach on Vimeo.

Click the image above to watch a brief conference recap video highlighting some of what God did last week!

Monday, July 29, 2013

CO Global Staff Conference Update

Thank you for your prayers last week for our Global Staff Conference.  It was incredibly humbling, edifying and vision building to reflect on all that God has done and is doing through CO in the world.  What a privilege we have to be a part of this work of building laborers on the campus to launch them into the world.

Pictured above are the 600+ Campus Outreach Staff from around the world who participated in last week's first-ever CO Global Staff Conference! Throughout the week, God continued to do "far more abundantly" than all that we were asking or thinking! John Piper, Frank Barker, Matt Chandler, and several CO Directors spoke during the main sessions about our CO Vision and Values:
  • Glorifying God
  • Compelled by God's Love and Committed to Following Hard after Christ
  • Believing in God's Promises and Praying for God's Action
  • Developing Leaders
  • Growth Through Multiplication
  • Reaching the Lost
Click here to watch Piper's, Barker's, and Chandler's messages to the staff. Great stuff!

God used the week in the lives of our staff to 
Refocus us on the vision God has called us to, 
Refuel us for the next season of life and ministry, 
Relationally Connect with Him and with one another, and 
Recommit to living lives abandoned to His glory.

It is so exciting to think about the Gospel influence these staff will have in the lives of thousands of students on the 94 campuses around the world where CO is engaged in evangelism and discipleship!

Click here to go to the 30 Days of Devotion flowing out of the conference.

Thank you for partnering with us in this great work!


Russell Long
Global Resource Team
Campus Outreach